Morning Care

Kathy Ramion
1st Grade Teacher
Morning Care Supervisor
St. Alphonsus School Morning Care
St. Alphonsus Morning Care is available for students in grades 3K - 8th each day that St. Alphonsus School is in session. It opens at 6:45 am and closes when the morning bell rings at 7:30 am. At 7:30 am the students walk to their classrooms.
St. Alphonsus Morning Care is held in Room 330. Parents may park their cars in the parking lot on the east side of the Parish House and enter via the 'back porch" of the school that is across from the Parish House garages. Please walk your child up the stairs and ring the doorbell. Mrs. Ramion will come and open the door for your child. Please do not leave your child unattended while waiting for the door to open.
While in Morning Care, students may draw, play games, play with Legos, do puzzles, read, study, and talk with one another.
Breakfast and snacks are not served and may not be consumed during Morning Care.
Teacher-In-Charge: Lead: Mrs. Kathy Ramion, 1st grade teacher.
Cost: The fee is due each day when you arrive with your child.
$2.00 per student per day for students arriving between 6:45 am and 7:30 am.